At KH Plant, we specialise in importing and rebuilding Caterpillar 140G, 140H and 140K motor graders.
This means you can benefit from a motor grader that’s as good as new, without having to pay the price of a new machine.
So how does this differ from buying a used motor grader?
Buying a used motor grader in South Africa: the pitfalls
When you buy a used motor grader directly from a previous owner, you get the machine “as is.”
It’s possible that the original owner used the motor grader for a range of purposes that fall outside those intended by the grader’s manufacturer. For example, the machine may have been used to bear weights above the recommended limit.
Even if this isn’t the case, various components of the motor grader will have suffered wear and tear. Unfortunately, you have no reliable way of telling how badly or how soon this will affect the machine’s performance.
The result is that a used motor grader may turn out a lot more expensive than it first appears.
When something does go wrong, chances are high that you won’t be able to turn to the original seller. You also won’t be able to get basic advice on how to operate, maintain or service the grader from this party.
Why it’s better to buy a refurbished motor grader
A refurbished Caterpillar motor grader from KH Plant isn’t just given a lick of paint or made superficially pretty.
Instead we start by thoroughly evaluating any grader to check whether it meets our basic quality requirements. If the machine meets with our approval, we disassemble it and rebuild it from the bare frame up, in accordance with the original equipment manufacturer’s (OEM) specifications. Finally, the rebuilt machine is subject to comprehensive performance analysis and testing.
The technicians involved in our rebuild process have refurbished over 700 graders, and their focus is on paying attention to detail and always meeting the highest technical standards.
When we say that one of our refurbished motor graders is “like new”, we mean it! However, all our refurbished motor graders are from 40% to 60% cheaper than new models.
Unlike a used motor grader, a refurbished motor grader from KH Plant comes with a machine warrantee, as well as a warrantee on the power train.
After you buy one of our refurbished graders, you can also count on friendly, professional after-sales service. We’ll address any questions you have and provide the support you need to get the optimal value from your investment.
Contact one our our representatives at KH Plant for more information about our refurbished motor graders in South Africa.