Caterpillar Graders for Sale in Zimbabwe

KH Plant motor graders in Zimbabwe

At KH Plant, we supply clients in Zimbabwe with fully rebuilt Caterpillar 140G140H and 140K motor graders. Our extremely thorough rebuild process means you can enjoy all the benefits of a new motor grader, at a fraction of the cost of a new machine.

There’s no denying that the construction industry in Zimbabwe – along with the economy generally – is facing tough times. According to The Financial Gazette, pressures on the industry include a shortage in government funding and saturated market conditions, with heavy competition. This means it’s more important than ever for Zimbabwean businesses to watch costs and focus on keeping their profit margins in the green.

Buying a motor grader from Zimbabwe’s secondhand market is a risky prospect, with no guarantees and no after-sales support. Buy new though, and you face a hefty price tag. Currency conversions aren’t in Zimbabweans’ favour. Also, local dealers’ prices are inflated by the costs involved in having to ship heavy equipment across continents, with the majority of graders imported from China.

It’s likely to be much more cost-effective to buy a rebuilt grader in South Africa and have it transported to Zimbabwe than to buy a new grader locally or to have one imported from overseas. At KH Plant, we can offer advice on the best transportation options.

We offer Zimbabwean customers advice about securing finance for motor graders.

Benefits of our graders

All our graders

  • are rebuilt by expert technicians to as new condition
  • comply with the highest technical and aesthetic standards
  • are backed by a full warranty and after-sales support
  • cost a fraction of the price of new equipment.

Caterpillar has been a leading name in motor graders for over 90 years. With KH Plant, you can opt for the best while still getting an affordable motor grader in Zimbabwe.

Contact us for more information or to discuss your needs.

KH Motor Graders for sale in Zimbabwe

Do you need expert assistance?

Call us now on +27 83 274 4882 or email us.