Motor grader checklist

It’s vital for the operator to perform a basic pre-use inspection of a motor grader. Ideally, operators should also perform periodic inspections during pauses in operation during the day and after shutting down.

Routine inspections can help prolong the life of a motor grader. They ensure early detection of visible signs of wear and tear or damage. Preventive maintenance and repairs can then be performed so that minor issues aren’t allowed to develop into major, costly problems.

Inspections also have another critical purpose. They help keep people, including the operator, safe by picking up any visible signs that a motor grader isn’t ready or fit for immediate use.

Here we’ve provided a basic inspection checklist for motor graders. If the result for any step is a fail (X), it’s vital to correct the issue immediately or report it to the proper authority. Click here to download a print-friendly PDF version of the checklist below.

Inspection activity

Pass ( *) or Fail (X)

Notes/ issues detected

Walk around the motor grader, performing a visual inspection for leaks or parts that are worn, damaged or missing. (Follow with more specific checks, as detailed below).


Check the circle drive for leaks.


Check the blade linkage for excessive play, damage and loose or missing parts, including bolts.


Check the cutting edge for excessive wear or damage.


Check the condition of tyres.


Following recommendations in the operator’s manual, clean and lubricate the following components:

  • blade circle
  • cylinders
  • pivot points
  • drawbar bale.

Safety note: When working in the pivot area, always lock the safety bar. Check the area with the attachments down and cycle the steering wheel to relieve pressure in the hydraulic system.


Check the hydraulic system, as follows:

  • check for leaks by looking and listening
  • check for loose connections
  • check for lines (hoses) that are bent, kinked, damaged or rubbing against other parts
  • check the hydraulic oil level.

Safety note: Always ensure that the engine is off, the system isn’t under pressure and the cylinders aren’t under a load when checking or repairing the hydraulic system.


Check the level of engine oil and top up if necessary, using the correct weight of oil.


Check the fuel level and top up if necessary.


Check the level of coolant in the radiator and top up if necessary. Also check the radiator cap, hoses, clamps and fan belts.

Safety note: Don’t remove radiator pressure when the radiator is hot.


Check the level of oil for the power shift transmission.


Check for any transmission leaks.


Check the air flow system, as follows:

  • check the air restriction indicator, the air cleaner and its connections
  • replace the air filter if necessary
  • dump the dust cup, if the motor grader has one.

Drain any condensate from air tanks and fuel sight bowls.


Check belts for tension and condition.


Check the battery, as follows:

  • check that battery connections aren’t loose or corroded
  • check the electrolyte level and add water if necessary.

Check electrical wire connections and insulation.


Clean the windshield and mirrors, and, once you’re seated in the cab, adjust the mirrors appropriately.


Check that all safety devices work properly.


Check that lights work.


For information about the range of refurbished Caterpillar 140G, 140H and 140K motor graders available from KH Plant, contact us online or call one of our representatives on +27 83 274 4882.

Do you need expert assistance?

Call us now on +27 83 274 4882 or email us.

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