Caterpillar 140H Motor Grader Specifications

The Caterpillar 140H motor grader was first produced in 1995.
Caterpillar 140H Motor Grader Specifications

It features a 3306 turbocharged engine that produces up to 185 flywheel horsepower (fwhp), and direct drive powershift transmission with electronic control.

Other specifications may differ slightly based on where a 140H motor grader was built and in what year.

Caterpillar 140H motor graders built in the United States have the serial prefix 2ZK, 8JM or 8KM.

Australian models use the 9ZN prefix, and Brazilian models use the prefix 3AS, 5HM or 9TN.

The 8JM, 8KM, 5HM and 3AS units have engine power management, while other models have variable horsepower.

Caterpillar 140H motor grader dimensions

Total length8713 millimetres (28.6 feet)
Height to top of cab3131 millimetres (10.3 feet)
Width over tyres2464 millimetres (8.1 feet)
Blade base2561 millimetres (8.4 feet)
Wheelbase6169 millimetres (20.2 feet)
Tandem axle wheelbase1523 millimetres (5 feet)
Front ground clearance600 millimetres (2 feet)
Rear ground clearance344 millimetres (1.1 feet)

Caterpillar 140H engine specifications

Model3176C DITA air-to-air aftercooled (ATAAC) variable horsepower (VHS)
Net power, gears 1 and 2165 horsepower; 123 kilowatts
Net power, gears 3 through to 6185 horsepower; 138 kilowatts
Number of cylinders6
Displacement10.3 litres (629 cubic inches)

Caterpillar 140H operational specifications

Standard operational weight, front axle4138 kilograms (9123 pounds)
Standard operational weight, rear axle10539 kilograms (23234 pounds)
Standard operational weight, total14677 kilograms (32357 pounds)
Maximum operational weight, front axle7590 kilograms (16733 pounds)
Maximum operational weight, rear axle13761 kilograms (30139 pounds)
Maximum operational weight, total21261 kilograms (46872 pounds)
Fuel capacity397 litres (105 gallons)
Hydraulic system fluid capacity68 litres (18 gallons)
Cooling system fluid capacity38 litres (10 gallons)
Rear diff/final drive fluid capacity47 litres (12.4 gallons)
Circle gearbox fluid capacity7 litres (1.8 gallons)
Tandem case fluid capacity64 litres (16.9 gallons)

Caterpillar 140H transmission specifications

TypeDirect drive, powershift
Maximum forward speed44 kilometres per hour (27.4 miles per hour)
Maximum reverse speed34.7 kilometres per hour (21.6 miles per hour)
Number of forward gears8
Number of reverse gears6

Caterpillar 140H steering specifications

Turning radius7.5 metres (24.6 feet)
Articulation L/R20 degrees

Caterpillar 140H front axle specifications

Ground clearance600 millimetres (2 feet)
Wheel lean18 degrees
Total oscillation32 degrees

Caterpillar 140H hydraulic system specifications

Pump typeAxial piston
Pump flow206 liters per minute (54.4 gallons per minute)
Relief valve pressure24150 kilopascal (3500 pounds per square inch)

Caterpillar 140H moldboard specifications

Moldboard height610 millimetres (24 inches)
Moldboard width3658 millimetres (12 feet)
Moldboard thickness22 millimetres (0.87 inches)
Maximum depth of cut715 millimetres (28.1 inches)
Side shift left524 millimetres (20.6 inches)
Side shift right660 millimetres (26 inches)
Blade pull at maximum weight19135 kilograms (42184 pounds)
Blade down pressure13017 kilograms (28697.6 pounds)

Caterpillar 140H circle specifications

Diameter1530 millimetres (60.2 inches)
Shift left695 millimetres (27.4 inches)
Shift right728 millimetres (28.7 inches)
Maximum reach outside tyres – left1896 millimetres (74.6 inches)
Maximum reach outside tyres – right1978 millimetres (77.9 inches)
Maximum lift above ground480 millimetres (18.9 inches)
Blade tip angle – front40 degrees
Blade tip angle – rear5 degrees

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For more information about the range of refurbished Caterpillar 140H motor graders available from KH Plant, contact us online or call one of our representatives on +27 83 274 4882.

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